Sunday, April 14, 2019


ICT TOOLS :-      

ICT tools: ICT stands for Information and Communications Technologies Computer, Laptop/Internet, Interactive whiteboard, Tablet PC, iPad, iPhone, Mobile phones, Digital cameras, Multimedia equipments (audio/video), Skype and video - conferencing are comes under ICT tools to imparting knowledge to the students in a smart and attractive way.

COMPUTER: It stands for Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research. It place a major role in the society nowadays. Each and every department it consider to be as an important and valuable tool. For Education, Computer can be used in education field to improve teaching and learning process. Computer is used in colleges to provide the methods of teaching in different ways. It is used to educate students effectively. Many computer-based educational programs are available for learning purpose.


·                     Fostering online collaboration with other students
·                     Providing curriculum support and additional information to students
·                     Promoting better organization: Laptops help students keep track of their assignments and utilize an online school calendar
·                     Allowing students to receive and view assignments online and submit their work via e-mail rather than being required to print them
·                     Improving the review process: Teachers may edit student papers and return them digitally to provide more detailed feedback
·                     Improving students’ computer skills


Interactive whiteboards (also known as smart boards) can be described as instructional tools which allow for computer images to be accurately displayed a board with the help of a digital projector.

The elements on the board can then be manipulated by the instructor using a mouse, stylus, pen or his finger and this is done directly done on the screen.

It allows items to be clicked, dragged, copied and even the handwriting of notes is possible. 

The board is usually mounted onto a wall or even to a floor stand. It can be used in work places as well as in classrooms of different levels of learning.

The education system has experienced tremendous changes in the past few years as the traditional heavy textbooks are being replaced by convenient eBooks while notebooks are replaced by devices such as interactive whiteboards, Tablets and iPads etc.,

Tablet PC: Advantages of using TABLET PC in class room environment are as follows:
·                     Easy to Use
·                     Direct communication
·                     Live knowledge base
·                     Personal approach
·                     More cost effective than text books
·                     Faster visualization and quicker reporting
·                     Improving computer skills boosting creativity
·                     Hassle-free assessment
·                     Paperless homework
·                     Learning Stimulation


     There’s a reason both teachers and students love iPad. It enables endless opportunities to create hands-on, customizable learning experiences. Reach more students with apps and books geared to any level or subject. Develop your own interactive materials with iBooks Author. Organize and deliver your lessons with iTunes U. Discover a world of possibilities with iPad.

·                     Use of audio recording features.
·                     Live polling tool
·                     Creating of Videos
·                     Chart and online discussion forums
·                     Use of QR codes
Note: Usages of mobile phones in class room environment are allowed only when the permission provided by the management of educational institution and the teachers.

1.          Take photos or videos of field trips.
2.          Take photos or videos illustrating vocabulary words.
3.          Take photos or videos of plant growth
4.          Take photos or videos of community
5.          Use photos for seating charts.
6.          Take photos to illustrate stories or poems
7.          Take photos or videos for illustrating emotions
8.          Take photos or videos of classroom pet
9.          Take photos to prompt creative writing
10.      Take photos of learning centers for a choice chart
11.      Take photos or videos of bulletin boards or classroom ideas from other teachers
12.      Tape a student's photo on their desk nametag so that other students and substitutes learn names.
13.      Use photos for attendance chart
14.      Use photos for graphing
15.      Use photos for story about the child
16.      Take photos or videos in Physical Education to record events and skills
17.      Use photos or videos for concept illustration for curriculum areas
18.      Use photos to create classroom awards. Act of Kindness, Caught being good, Great reader
19.      Take a photo of an object zoomed in. Have students guess what it is.
20.      Document vandalism with photos or videos


One of the techniques to improving the students’ meets the academic needs and helps them developing English language skills is providing multimedia during the process of teaching and learning in the classroom.

Multimedia classroom provide the students chances for interacting with diverse texts that give them a solid background in the tasks and content of mainstream college courses.

The writing shows that there are some advantages in teaching English using multimedia as a technique in teaching process in the classroom.

Through the media the teacher could give more opportunity to students to express their opinions and enjoy during the course

The highly presence and motivation also bring positive aspects to students so that they can improve their skills.

·                     Connects different schools for colloboration
·                     Lets students learn with no out
·                     Enables to record lessons for review
·                     Empowers to chart with experts face to face
·                     Makes out of class learning easier
·                     Helps connect teachers to parents closely
·                     Lets students experiences virtual school trips
·                     Reduces the cost for education
The above are the essential tools (ICT) to enhance the professional capacities of a student teacher in integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) with effective teaching and learning in a classroom.

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