Tuesday, July 30, 2019


1.   The ancient Egyptians did not use fractions.

2.   If you add up all the roulette numbers, you will get a mystical number of 666.

3.   Quadratic equations appeared in India 15 centuries ago.

4.   Euclid left many works on mathematics and geometry, which we still use. Interestingly, no information about Euclid himself was found.

      5. Rene Descartes introduced the concepts of real and imaginary numbers.

       6.Interestingly, the great emperor Napoleon Bonaparte left some mathematical works after his death.

        7.The Indian scholar Budhayana, who lived in the 6th century, is considered the first to use the Pi number.

        8.Johannes Widmann first recorded the classic signs of addition and subtraction. It happened about 500 years ago.

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