Friday, January 3, 2020


Geometric Mean

                The Geometric Mean is a special type of average where we multiply the numbers together and then take a square root (for two numbers), cube root (for three numbers) etc.

Example: What is the Geometric Mean of 2 and 18?

  • First we multiply them: 2 × 18 = 36
  • Then (as there are two numbers) take the square root: √36 = 6
In one line:
Geometric Mean of 2 and 18 = √(2 × 18) = 6
It is like the area is the same!
geometric mean 2x18 = 6x6

Example: What is the Geometric Mean of 10, 51.2 and 8?

  • First we multiply them: 10 × 51.2 × 8 = 4096
  • Then (as there are three numbers) take the cube root: 3√4096 = 16
In one line:
Geometric Mean = 3√(10 × 51.2 × 8) = 16
It is like the volume is the same:
geometric mean 10x51.2x8 = 16x16x16

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