Monday, November 18, 2019

                                Terence Tao has done work in many different fields of mathematics (although as you can assume from Paul's focus on Tao's number theory work, arguably his most profound contributions have been in that field). Terence Tao specializes in partial differential equations, analytic number theory, harmonic analysis, combinations, matrix theory and ergodic theory. The actual contributions he has made are mainly in number theory, like the Green-Tao theorem, but he has made many other advances in many of the aforementioned fields, they are just not as profound as the Green-Tao theorem and some of his other working in number theory. Terence Tao is a mathematical genius by all definitions (also a genius in most other fields of academia), he has mastered most of the concepts in mathematics and has done research for many years in an attempt to better our understanding of the world through mathematics. The only way that I can truly stress the influence he has had in mathematics, without you having to understand any of the mathematics is to say that he won the Fields Medal, which is considered the "Nobel Prize of Mathematics" and is only awarded every four years.

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